About Hiking for a Cause
4/15/11 Update: We've been working to update the nonprofit hospital links section on the web site. If you would like to see a nonprofit hospital in your area added to the links section, please send us an email to: info@hikingforacause.com.
We're also busy planning for our fundraiser hike scheduled for this year. Check back soon for additional details.
Also, we are in the process of applying for nonprofit 501(c)(3) status with the State of Florida.
Celebrate National Park Week: April 16-24, 2011
Join us April 16th–24th as America celebrates National Park Week – a chance to hike, learn, share, and give back in the nation’s 394 national parks. Take this opportunity to come out and discover, or re-discover, 84 million acres of the world’s most spectacular scenery, historic landmarks and cultural treasures.
National Park Week is a chance for all Americans to experience the majesty of the national park system for FREE. Visit any of America’s national parks and enjoy free admission all week long! For more information: http://www.nps.gov/findapark/feefreeparks.htm
April is a busy month for Cancer awareness. Please be sure to check out the links below for additional information:
April 2011
Cancer Control Month
Oral, Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month
Oral Cancer Foundation
Phone: (949) 646-8000
April 1-7 Testicular Cancer Awareness Week
The National Men’s Resource Center
April 3-9 National Young Adult Cancer Awareness
Vital Options® International
Phone: (818) 508-5657
April 17-23 National Minority Cancer Awareness Week®
Please Note: Due to time constraints, the blog has not been updated recently. We apologize for the inconvenience and will get the blog updated just as soon as we can. Thank you for your continued patience and support! Sal's Blog
Hiking for a Cause is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for various nonprofit health organizations across the country. We hope to link health organizations across the country together on one web site to help make it more accessible for people to donate to organizations in their local community. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how to make this web site more user-friendly, feel free to contact us at info@hikingforacause.com
If you would like to request a nonprofit health organization in your community to be included on the web site, please send an email to
nonprofit@hikingforacause.comJoin on us Facebook for discussions, comments, updates and photos!
Hiking for a Cause

Have a look around the web site, and check out my progress as I walk from Brooksville, FL to San Diego, CA and then northward to Seattle, WA. I am walking to raise awareness and funds for the following nonprofit health organizations: The Moffitt Cancer Center, The Shriners, St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Joseph's Children's Hospital, and Miles For Hope. These organizations were chosen because of my belief in what they do for others' and has personal and deep meaning to me. I hope you will tag into my web site where there is information on each of these sites and I hope you will find that one of them reaches into your heart as they have mine. The web site has a donation link so that you can make your donation directly to the cause of your choice and they will know that the funds were raised by my efforts and my cause. Click here to donate to other nonprofit health organizations in your local community. Please consider donating to one of these worthy causes, and if you can possibly donate an additional amount to help fund my trip it would be greatly appreciated.
To make a donation directly for Sal's walk across the country, please click below:
"Every journey in life always begins with a single step." ~Salvatore Pascarelli